Oakland based artist SW▲MPY does some great work and is everywhere. He also takes photos that make me want to quit everything, and get outside.
These are photos from Mare Island taken from my point-and-shoot digital camera. Lots of cool reflections and focused light. Soon after we had arrived, the Vallejo police were there to escort us out. Hoping to catch copper thieves they sent us on our way after reviewing our drivers licenses.
Makers Faire is the best thing ever. From CNC mills to fire breathing dragons; it is a truly American experience. Every year San Mateo holds the world’s largest DIY gathering in the world, showing off some of the best in robotics, hacks, electronics, propane explosions, and steam punk. You must go to Maker Faire next year, it is the one thing not to miss!
This is Tyler Nansen's sculpture project that I ran across wondering between classes on Thursday at SFSU. The tops are slip cast from a mold of the back rest of a old school desk. Tyler also does slip casts of baby dolls... maybe we can see some of those, too.
Had to drop off some film downtown, and since I was down there I checked out the new Benny Gold flagship store and Jay Howell's solo show at A440 Gallery
I rode by the Benny Gold store on their opening day a couple weeks back and regretted not stopping in. Not knowing much about Benny Gold, I looked him up and found out he is graphic designer who turned his brand into an internationally known apparel company and now he's opened this store as his hub, with his design studio up stairs.
A lot of attention to detail in everything he makes, which is why I bought this awesome wallet, to replace the one below.upgrade.his dog was cool too.Then checked out Jay Howell's show, Alligator Fuck House
I like his work because it's fun
Across the hall I found a collection of photo's. The famous brown sisters by Nicholas Nixon. Bummed the whole series wasn't there.Idris Khan layered every "brown sister's" photo though.Always been a fan of Khan's work. Really nice seeing it huge.
I thought these photo's were cool too. Don't remember who shot them unfortunately.
Our friends the Kepler Mission are keeping it real down in LA; a new ep, a summer tour lined up, and plans to take over playing their music "to the tempo of space". Here's some photos I took last weekend of TKM playing an incognito show in SB. Download there ep for free on there site, and check them out at the ROXY this weekend if you live in LA.
Photos by Alison Scarpulla. Creepiest photos ever, I have no idea what is going on and I like it.
Photo's from April 20th Sketch Tuesday @Minna. I finally made it down to a sketch Tueday last night, and got to drink beer while I watched a bunch of talented artists sell quality work for killer bargain prices. Met a ton of nice people, walked away with some artwork and had fantastic time. pretty busy guy. Didn't walk away with a Jay Howell piece last night, but I hope to soon. Jay Howell portrait by Ferris Plock Really good prices.
Walked away proud owner of this deer by Justin Lovato and the Burger and a Hot Dog from Ferris Plock. Seriously one of the best nights I've had in SF.
Photos from Sean Desmond's photo show 4/9/10
This past friday I attended The Tenderloin Project show, by photographer Sean Desmond. After stumbling onto this project a year ago at their website launch, I was pleased to see the amount of work that has happened over the past year. Really great photography and project for a great cause.
this time around local artists contributed. Some Mike Giant awesomeness.
other favorite
dozens of these silkscreens were plastered to one of the walls as part of the display. Very impressive.
This video does a great job showing some of the collaboration with the tenderloin neighborhood. Be sure to check out their website for more information about the project.
I recently took a trip to Arizona to visit Sean who is in flight school in Phoenix. We went on some hikes, saw some spring training games, and checked out the local terrain. While I was down there I shot medium format film exclusively, which was nice. The whole trip was a lot of fun. Thanks to Will for letting me borrow his awesome camera, here's some photos. –Tim
Some photos from two shows I was lucky enough to be apart of. Thanks to everyone involved. It was a great time.
Brian slanging zines.
all the photos I could take that night. got any?
Ride for Red show
favorite piece by James Adam Price
The Amazing A Money
Prints and zine's still available, contact us at bitbyzeus@gmail.com if you'd like one.
Pictures of the final construction of the first issue of BIT BY ZEUS.
Some silkscreens that I made with Tom Roe, for "Ride for Red," a benefit art show for AIDS life cycle, happening this Thursday @ Space Gallery on Polk St from 6:00–10:30pm. Designs inspired by photographs from personal bike rides. There will only be 8 of each print available, so if you can, please come by and check out a lot of great work, at a great gallery, for an even greater cause. Also, click through for some fun photos at Stache press.
Printed at Stache Press. 22x30 Stonehenge Printmaking Paper, Warm White.