Will Draw for Drugs: A benefit for Kelly Malone
Last Friday 111 Minna Gallery hosted a giant sketch up, featuring a ton of SF artists, to help SF Art badass Kelly Malone get the money she needs to battle cancer. Started the night off right at Tu Lan vietnamese. solo.
SF Workshop holding it down and live screenprinting coozies.
justin lovato
Ryan De la Hoz
Jesse Balmer
Hannah Stouffer
kelly tunstall and Audrey Erickson
Sketch Tuesday—June
Made it to another awesome sketch Tuesday at 111 minna gallery this month. Started things off right, by snagging this great Jay Howell piece.
Jay working on the piece I bought, I couldn't be happier with it.
great artwork from local preschoolers.
casey gray, new show coming to white walls.
Raquel's take away for the night was this guy from Annie Galvin.
Met this couple visiting SF from Perth, who are moving to Vancouver next week. Check out their magazine RELATIVE.
He was very happy to get a Mike Giant original while in town.
Jason Vivona, Jay Howell colab. Was awesome
bought this zine from Mildred, lots of detail
Ended the night talking to this guy in the red and Fabian Molina, the artist that drew him. Great night.
Sketch Tuesday Photos
Photo's from April 20th Sketch Tuesday @Minna. I finally made it down to a sketch Tueday last night, and got to drink beer while I watched a bunch of talented artists sell quality work for killer bargain prices. Met a ton of nice people, walked away with some artwork and had fantastic time.
pretty busy guy. Didn't walk away with a Jay Howell piece last night, but I hope to soon.
Jay Howell portrait by Ferris Plock
Really good prices.
Walked away proud owner of this deer by Justin Lovato and the Burger and a Hot Dog from Ferris Plock. Seriously one of the best nights I've had in SF.