PANACEA Book Release @ MUA, OAKLAND FEB 1st 2013

Happy to announce the release of PANACEA, a collaborative photography book, published by BIT BY ZEUS and Ladder to the Stars. The book features photos from 37 photographers and will be released Feb 1st 2013 @ Mua Oakland. PANACEA is printed color offset, 8.5″ x 11″ and will be limited to 100 copies. In addition, there will also be photo show hanging at MUA, featuring the photographers from the book. It'll be first friday: Oakland Art Murmur; Check out the art downtown, come say hi, grab a drink (and a book) and check out the show.

—Over the last year, I've been working with Elias Carlson, who runs awesome blog, Ladder to the Stars. Early on, we found that exploring nature was a common thread in our photography. We discussed our need to get outside and take photos, and we decided to make a publication about it.

We knew that we wanted to publish a collaborative book featuring photographers that we both respected and that shared this common theme. We worked on the idea of the "need" to get outdoors and found a definition that we felt summed up this idea; "PANACEA" which is defined as "a solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases." The ring to it was nice, but the definition really hit home for us, as it summed up the feeling that we both had: Exploring nature as a cure.


—Also, want to say thank you to anyone who visits, supports, or submits to BIT BY ZEUS. for real. Running this photo zine/blog is a blast; sharing good photos, putting out projects when we can, and meeting great photographers along the way. In the New Year, we plan on keeping this little photo community going. I want to continue to put up more found photography, try to blog (use words), document events and things in the area, and also focus on publishing my and other's work. That's all, hope to see you on the 1st, It's gonna be a great night out.—Tim

Issue #1 and Ride for red photos

Some photos from two shows I was lucky enough to be apart of. Thanks to everyone involved. It was a great time. P1030184_hires


Brian slanging zines.


all the photos I could take that night. got any?


Ride for Red show



favorite piece by James Adam Price



The Amazing A Money




Prints and zine's still available, contact us at if you'd like one.

BIT BY ZEUS, Issue #1

BIT BY ZEUS!! Our first official issue is here, printed and reeking of ink. The copies will be available March 25th at 7:00pm at Bloodhound Bar on folsom. Here is a quick preview.





Bit by Zeus, Issue #1

"The place that started it all; recently at the mercy of demolition crews. May this landmark rest in peace."

24 pages offset 100% recycled post consumer waste, 60 lb frontier offset black/black soy-based ink printed locally at 1984 printing hand stamped and numbered limited to 250 copies