This past October, a group of us headed up to the Lost Coast, Northern California. We arrived late at night and took a shuttle two hours north to the trailhead. We didn't get there until 1am, but decided to hike the first few miles at night.

hiking at night ended up being one of the coolest parts of the trip.

Crashed the first night at this light house

Then headed down the coast. The terrain changed here and there, but it's all coast for 26 miles.

Any trip to the Lost Coast has to be planned around the tides to avoid being trapped in, "impassable at high tide" sections. Here's what it looks like trying to get around the tide.

Sat here after the long first day and watched whales breaching. No hip outdoorsy wear here, just wore my old shit, sorry.

George over-did-it on the hike and spent some time throwing up on this scenic bluff.

The last time we came to the Lost Coast, the weather was much different. Battling storms, waves and allowing for some more interesting photography. This trip felt like a vacation at the beach by comparison.

Light fog on the last morning out. Really happy all I had left was Black and white. Great Trip.

Photos by Tim Gatto