Will Draw for Drugs: A benefit for Kelly Malone

Last Friday 111 Minna Gallery hosted a giant sketch up, featuring a ton of SF artists, to help SF Art badass Kelly Malone get the money she needs to battle cancer. Started the night off right at Tu Lan vietnamese. solo.

SF Workshop holding it down and live screenprinting coozies.

justin lovato Ryan De la Hoz Jesse Balmer Hannah Stouffer

Erik Otto

david choong lee

kelly tunstall and Audrey Erickson

Love my purchase of the night by Alexis Mackenzie

great night.

I received this interesting info about a building that I like to visit via flickr. Pretty cool if its true: "This is the Press Wireless Radio Building located in the Napa-Sonoma Marsh. It was owned by the United Press and the building was used to collect and route information coming from satellites. Its reportedly the first location in the United States to receive communication from space and alerted the world to the existence of Sputnik when they accidentally picked up communication from the spacecraft." Thanks, Chris Hattich. cuttings wharf building east view