Will Draw for Drugs: A benefit for Kelly Malone

Last Friday 111 Minna Gallery hosted a giant sketch up, featuring a ton of SF artists, to help SF Art badass Kelly Malone get the money she needs to battle cancer. Started the night off right at Tu Lan vietnamese. solo.

SF Workshop holding it down and live screenprinting coozies.

justin lovato Ryan De la Hoz Jesse Balmer Hannah Stouffer

Erik Otto

david choong lee

kelly tunstall and Audrey Erickson

Love my purchase of the night by Alexis Mackenzie

great night.

Two SF art shows to go to this weekend.

There is a big sketch up (same vein as sketch Tuesdays) this Friday to help out WorkshopSF's Kelly Malone fight cancer. Get some on the spot art from a ton of great SF artists, all for a great cause. Click the banner for the info and lineup. Then Saturday, check this giant show at evergold.

Find me at both these events oggling and spending money I don't have.—Tim