Desolation Wilderness
In late October I headed up to the desolation wilderness, CA to backpack the lakes. We night hiked into echo lake, past aloha lake, to heather and back. Here are some of the medium format shots from the weekend. Still waiting on some of the 35mm shots.
photos by Tim Gatto
Some Zines
Some zines that I picked up and received lately. Spotted this excellent Justin Lovato zine, Theoretical object at Needles & Pens.
Lovato amazingness as always. Story will blow your mind.
I also picked up this OOTTHHERR zine, Pneuma, great imagery and spreads.
then I got this super hot Zine From Sean DZ!
expensive drugs.
I also picked up this Ryan McGinley zine: Daydreaming.
Interesting interview with Ryan McGinley about his career. Also naked people in caves and fields as you would expect.
Have any zines for us to check out? Email us at then mail them over. —Tim