photo by Steven Darden
See You Next Tuesday
SYNT ZINE is a new zine spot on the way from photographers Ari Gabel, Chelsea Muller, Erik Mor & Nikki Jensen. Gonna be good.
photo by Ari Gabel
I FEEL BETTER is a zine containing twelve mounted 5x5" color prints of mostly recent photography by Tim Gatto. Edition of 20, hand bound—hand pulled silkscreen cover, 5.4" x 8.5". $5.00 flat. Now available for purchase here.
Burried Cement Monster
ulysses.O, San Francisco
Chelsee Ivan
know about Chelsee Ivan.
Hervé Demers–Early Suns
A selection of photos from Hervé Demers series, Early Suns. "For this first series (Early Suns), I voluntarily immersed myself in the landscape of my youth. I believe it has always been defined in my mind by the harshness of winter and by the distinctive natural phenomena that reveal themselves when this season comes to an end. With the warm golden sunlight we haven’t seen for months, the migrating birds and the relentless smoke of the sugar cabins. I feel so strongly connected to this place and to this precise moment of the year. I wanted to communicate the tangible feeling of inner peace I sense when I am the witness of this transformation in the state of nature." —Mossless. See the whole series here.
Giant Steampunk fire throwing Snail
The last couple of months in snapshots. A few trips, stomping around the O, and Art Murmur. —Tim
Almond Blossom Festival. Beer in the freezing cold.
designing silkscreen posters with eric >
Oakland Art Murmur 4/1/11
told you.
watching Old Timey baseball league, Oakland Colonels.
Helena Exquis—Loveless
Very happy that Helena Exquis, of Oviedo, Spain, sent over a sample of her new photo series Loveless. Such good camera work. We also have an international zine trade going on, and I can't wait until it comes in so that I can post some pictures. Enjoy.
ibán ramón
Beautiful work sent over from ibán ramón, Valencia, Spain. Definitely check, and his flickr as well.
Tim Gatto
Tim Gatto
Alan W George
San Francisco. Alan George Photography | flickr
the Woods
Got my film back from my trip to Washington. The woods there were creepy, wish I had more time to explore them. –Tim
Self Portraits by Ari Gabel
I really enjoy a good photo series, and these self portraits by Ari Gabel are hands down the best I've seen in awhile. Great. Killer.
Summer Vision by Alex Brunet
Selected photos from Summer Vision, by Photographer Alex Brunet, Paris. Also, check his website to view his extensive fashion photography portfolio, –Tim